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http://guangxi.hteacher.net 2017-05-15 21:15 广西教师招聘 [您的教师考试网]

Unit 3 Online Travel Main Task(初中)


. To select, organize and present information

. To develop an understanding of the key components of writing articles or creative stories

. To write for an audience and adapt style accordingly

. To present an article about a favorite educational computer game

Teaching procedures

Step 1 leading in

1. Ask students to look at a picture. The picture is from Reading, which can be recognized easily by students.

Ask: Who is he? (He is Itchy Feet.)

Where is he from? (He is from a new educational CD-ROM. He is the main character of the game.)

What’s the name of the game?/ What is the game called? (The name is Around the World in Eight Hours./ It is called Around the World in Eight Hours.)


2. Present a profile by reviewing the game in Reading. Ask: Can you design a profile for this game? Ask students to fill in a profile of the game. Ask students to answer the questions one by one.


Name of the game: Around the World in Eight Hours

Number of levels: 8

Main character: Itchy Feet

Age: 13 years old

Area of study: English and Geography

Setting: Different countries

Designer: Nancy Jackson

Sold in: All computer shops and bookshops

Explain ‘setting’ (where is the game set?) and ‘sold in’ (where is the game sold?)


通过列简介的形式,对阅读《八小时环游世界》进行复习。所列简介的内容与本课Part A部分主题相似,即导出本课主题。

Step 2 Presentation

1. Present part A by saying: Nancy Jackson is the designer of the game Around the World in Eight Hours. She is also the designer of the all-time favorite CD-ROM Online Traveler. Online Traveler is also Daniel’s favorite educational computer game. We will look at the game today.

Ask students to answer a question:

What’s the goal of the game?

Explain new word ‘goal’. (Write it on the blackboard)

Ask students to guess from the name of the game Online Traveler.

Help them to answer. (It’s about traveling around the world to open the treasure box. Where is the treasure box? It’s hidden somewhere in the Arctic.)

Explain new words ‘treasure’ and ‘Arctic’ (write them on the blackboard.)


《八小时环游世界》游戏光盘的设计者也是本课《在线旅行者》游戏光盘的设计者。在阅读课中,Daniel读了关于《八小时环游世界》游戏光盘的文章。同时本课的《在线旅行者》游戏光盘也是他最喜欢的教育类电脑游戏,并且他在本课中准备写有关这一游戏的文章。通过这两个细节,用问答的方式呈现《在线旅行者》游戏光盘的简介,即本课part A部分。在与学生进行问答的过程中涉及了一个猜测性的问题what’s the goal of the game?教师解释新单词goal,要求学生从游戏名字在猜出答案。此问题的答案很简单,设计的目的不是单纯的找出答案,而是引出a treasure box, be hidden somewhere in the Arctic这两个新词组,进行学习。

2. Ask students to look at Part A, the profile of Online Traveler. Ask the same question ‘ what’s the goal of the game?’ to consolidate new words and phrases.


要求学生认真阅读Part A部分,完整回答 ‘what’s the goal of the game?’ 的问题。此时,学生对简介已经很熟悉,教师进一步解释其中一些知识点,让学生在轻松愉快中掌握知识,并且留下深刻印象。

Step 3 practice

1. Ask students to help Daniel answer the questions of Part B using the information in Part B.

设计思路:由于此时学生对Part A已经很熟悉,所以可以直接让他们看Part B的问题,用Part A信息回答问题。

2. Ask students to help Daniel complete the article of Part C.


3. Analyze the given article of Part C and make the students know how to write this article in an adapted style.


Part C完成之后,结合Part A游戏简介,对文章结构进行归纳,为完成下一步写作任务打下基础。

Step 4 Writing

1. Ask each student to think of a favorite educational computer game and write a profile of it. Finish the task of Part D.


此时学生已经熟悉了Part A简介的书写,所以可以让学生自主练习,运用所学知识,联系生活实际,写出自己最喜爱的教育类游戏简介。

2. Ask students to write an article about a favorite educational computer game and introduce it to others.

要求学生根据所写简介,仿照Part C写出自己最喜爱的教育类游戏文章。



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