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教师招聘考试中学面试试讲题:英语《Will people have robots?》

http://sichuan.hteacher.net 2024-07-15 18:04 四川教师招聘 [您的教师考试网]

 《Will people have robots?》试讲稿


Good morning,ladies and gentlemen. I’m No.XX candidate,applying for middle school English teacher. Today my topic is Will people have robots? Now I’m ready. Class begins.

Ⅰ. Lead-in

T:Good morning,everyone!How are you today?Oh,you are fine,I’m fine,too. Before our study,let’s watch a video.

T:Do you know what movie it is?Good!It’s star wars:the force awakens.Look at the picture What’s it ?It’s a robot.Do you like it?Yes,I like it,too. It’s very cute.

T:Do you want a robot?I want one,too. In the movie,bb8 help the men a lot,right?

T:Can you imagine the life in the future?Will we have a bb8?Amy,can you tell me your idea? OK,you think there is bb8.A robot in your home.

T:Very good,how about Tim?Wow,you believe that you will drive in the sky. How exciting!

Ⅱ. Pre-listening

T:Today,we will learn about the changes in the future. Now,let’s turn to page 49 and today we will learn unit 7 Will people have robots?There is picture on the book. Can you guess what they are talking about?Who can tell me?Lily,please?

T:Good girl!The boy on the left is talking about robots,the boy on the right is talking about studying at home on the computer. Yes,they are talking about people.

T:Before listening,Let’s learn a new word:prediction,what’s the meaning?Who can guess the meaning of this word?

T:OK,I will describe for you. When we imaging people’s life in the future,that is a prediction,right?Did you clear?Prediction,read after me,and pay attention to the pronunciation. Now,please make a sentence by using this new word,who want to try?Well,Anna,please have a try.I make a prediction about people!

T:Let,Do you agree with this prediction,check A(for agree) or D(for disagree).

1. People will have robots at home.

T:Mary?Do you agree with that?Yes. Good.

2. People won

T:Tom?Do you agree?No,could you tell me why?Oh,you think there is no gain for no pay!Very good!

Ⅲ. While-listening

T:OK,boys and girls. Let’s listen to the tape,look at 1a again,and during the first listening,you should circle the predication you heard in 1a.

T:OK,did you find out all of them?Who can tell me your answer?Lucy?OK! Sit down please.

T:Anyone else?I hear your answer,John,please say it loudly.Very good,sit down please!








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