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教招面试小学英语《What can you do》教案

http://neimenggu.hteacher.net 2023-01-06 11:36 内蒙古教师招聘 [您的教师考试网]

 Teaching aims:

Knowledge aims:

1. Students can spell and understand the meaning of the new vocabularies and phrases of different activities.

2.Students can master the new sentence patterns “what can you do” and “I can sing English songs”.

Ability aim:

Students can use the vocabularies and sentence patterns to talk about their abilities fluently.

Emotional aims:

1. Students will cultivate more hobbies in their spare time.

2. Students will enjoy communicating with each other in English.

Teaching key points and difficult points:

Teaching key points:

1. New words and phrases: dance, sing English songs, do kung fu, draw cartoons, play the pipa;

2. Sentence Patterns: What can you do? I can draw cartoons.

Teaching difficult point:

How to talk freely and naturally in their daily life by using the words and sentenes.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Warming up

(1) Daily greeting.

(2) Let students enjoy a chant.

Dog, dog, what can you do? I can run after you. Panda, panda, what can you do? I can eat so much bamboo. Mike, mike, what can you do? I can draw animals in the zoo!

At the same time, require students to pay more attention to some words, run, eat bamboo, draw animals.

Then, tell students that “Zhang Peng’s school will have an English party next week, let’s find out what his classmates can do for the party”. And lead in today’s lesson.

Step 2 Presentation and practice

(1) Words learning and practice

Show some pictures in the book and ask them “What can the students in the pictures do? ”

Then ask them to read the words one by one after the teacher in different ways.

After teaching these words and phrases, teacher will play a game named play an act and say game with students to practice all the vocabularies.

(2) Sentence learning and practice

Teach students if they want to ask others’ abilities or tell others about their own abilities, they can use the sentence “What can you do?” and “I can…”.

Ask students to make conversations with their partners in three minutes, one ask and the other one answer and then change the roles.

After that ,they have two minutes to use the rhyme that we’ve used in the warming-up step to play their conversations.

Step 3 Production

Divide students into several groups and ask them to make a survey about what their group members can do and finish the chart on the screen. After they finish, ask them to make a report by using the new sentence patterns.

Step 4 Summary and homework

Summary:Summarize what is learned today by reading the contents.

Homework: Ask their friends and parents what they can do and make a record.








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