安徽 北京 重庆 福建 广东 甘肃 广西 贵州 河南 河北 湖北 湖南 海南 黑龙江 江西 辽宁

江苏 吉林 宁夏 内蒙古 青海 山东 陕西 四川 山西 上海 深圳 浙江 天津 新疆 云南 西藏


http://neimenggu.hteacher.net 2023-01-06 11:41 内蒙古教师招聘 [您的教师考试网]

 Module 10 Austrilia

Unit 3 Language in use

Teaching aims:

Knowledge aims:

Students can understand the function of the relative pronoun that.

Students can grasp the usage of attributive clause with that.

Ability aims:

Students can describe a place with attributive clause.

Students can discover the rules of attributive clause with that under the teacher’s guidance.

Emotional aims:

Students will increase their curiosity towards English grammar.

Teaching key points and difficult points:

Key points:

The usage of attributive clause with that.

Difficult Points:

How to apply the attributive clause with that to describe a place.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Warm-up and Lead-in

After greeting the students, invite them to observe the learnt sentences and get a first impression of the new language point.

Step 2 Presentation

1 Read the passage in Activity 1 and underline all the sentences with that.

Bondi Beach is the most beautiful beach that I have ever seen.

It is a huge, wide beach that is very popular for swimming and other water sports.

The hotel that we stayed in was right on the beach.

2 Pair-work: discuss the meaning of the sentences with that by answering the following questions:

a Who can paraphrase these sentences?

(I have never seen a more beautiful beach than Bondi Beach

The beach is a huge and wide one, and it is popular for swimming and other water sports

We stayed in a hotel, and the hotel was right on the beach. )

b What does that refer to in these sentences? (the most beautiful beach, a huge, wild beach and the hotel)

c What are the functions of the relative pronoun? (refer to the noun or pronoun before it)

Step 3 Practice

Ask students to complete the conversation in Activity 2 and share their answers.

Strp 4 Production.

Group work: Describe a city that they like most with their group members and write some sentences about it, with at least three attributive clauses with that.

Step 4 Summary and homework

Summary: Ask students what they have learned in today’s lesson.

Homework: Ask students to collect more information of their favorite cities and describe the cities with attributive clauses with that.








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